Insurance Claims

The Insurance & Workers' Compensation subdivision of the Department of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) manages insurance portfolios and claims associated with our policies, in addition to assessing potential liability to the University. Our liability information encompasses general, automotive, professional, property, and international insurance, all of which help protect you and the University from hazards or perils that may impact the life safety, reputation, financial, property, and operations of the institution.

General Liability

Campus Spring scenics

General Liability insurance is maintained by the University to provide coverage for third party incidents, accidents, products liability, and bodily injury.

Professional Liability

Sunset on campus

Various types of professional liability are maintained by the University for those involved in specialty practices. This coverage does not cover pro-bono or private practice of any kind. Please contact the Executive Director to discuss your specific needs.

  • Provided Coverage

    Coverage provided for DU-organized activities include:

    • Medical/Psychologists Malpractice for interns and supervising professors while in the course of their duties for DU
    • Lawyer’s Legal for the Law Clinics
Fall scenics on campus

International Liability

For all DU-sponsored travel, you are required to comply with DU's International Travel Policy and should satisfy all travel requirements to ensure that you are eligible for DU's emergency evacuation/repatriation of remains coverage.

Automotive Liability

Before driving a DU-owned/leased vehicle or renting a vehicle for DU-related business, you must be cleared to drive by ERM. View Driver Responsibilities.

Review the DU Driving Procedures for information regarding training requirements, accident reporting, and driver eligibility.

The University of Denver insures all DU-owned, leased, and rented vehicles.

  • Reporting Auto Claims (within 24 hours)

    In case of ANY collision involving a University vehicle:

    • Call the local police and obtain from the other driver:
      • Full name, address, phone number
      • Driver’s license (state, number, date of birth)
      • Insurance company information and policy number
      • Vehicle license plate, make, model, VIN and damage
    • Give to the other driver:
      • DU insurance information
      • DU ERM contact information: or 303-871-3810
    • Call DU Campus Safety immediately if on campus at 303-871-3000; if off-campus call once you arrive at a safe location at 303-871-2334
    • Contact DU ERM within 24 hours at or 303-871-3810 regardless of the extent of damage
  • Rental Vehicles

    If you are renting a car, you will encounter several insurance coverage options offered by the rental car company. Please purchase the following types of insurance through the rental agency:

    1. Supplemental Liability Protection* should always be purchased.
    2. Collision Damage Waiver or Loss Damage Waiver* should be purchased and covers damage to or theft of the rental car (if rented with a P-Card, the P-Card may also provide coverage but only in limited circumstances so please reach out to Shared Services before booking for the terms and conditions if you want to use the P-Card Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver benefit).
    3. Personal Accident Insurance should be purchased if any non-DU-employee will be in the vehicle at any time. (DU’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance applies to employee injuries. All employee injuries should be reported through DU’s workers’ compensation procedures.)

    *If you book with Enterprise/National (our preferred vendor) through Concur, the supplemental liability and collision damage waiver insurance are included.

    If there will be more than one driver for the rental vehicle, you must contact the rental company to ask about their policy on multiple drivers. It is likely that each additional driver will need to be named, and there will be an additional fee. If this is not done, any unnamed driver may not be covered by the rental car insurance.

    If a rental car does not have insurance to cover an accident or incident, any costs related to the accident or incident must be paid for by the driver’s department or organization.

  • International Rental

    If traveling internationally, always purchase rental car insurance.

Property Liability

DU provides property insurance for all of its owned and leased property. We do not cover personal property.


  • Claim Reporting

    Should your department incur any building or equipment damage please notify Campus Safety for a report, and contact the Risk and Insurance Analyst immediately or within 24 hours at or 303-871-3810.

  • Training

    Hotwork and Impairment training are offered online through FM Global.

    Information regarding DU's Hot Work Program can be found at the Environmental Health & Safety website.

  • Contractors

    To obtain passwords, contractors must submit a list of employees, their e-mail addresses and their company's name plus a reference to DU index 72522.95 to Paul Mullin. Once passwords are issued, the training can be found at
